More About Me

Bringing You Home

Daneel was born in New Orleans and moved to Brunswick, Maine, when she was just a baby. She was raised in Brunswick until the third grade and then moved to Freeport, where she currently resides.

Daneel attended Rollins College in Florida and later transferred to the University of Maine at Farmington, where she earned her undergraduate degree in International Business and Spanish.  After that, Daneel earned her Master's Degree of Science in Education in Teaching and Learning, from the University of Southern Maine. 

Since 2014, she has owned and operated a small Spanish school, called Escuela Pura Vida, in Portland, ME!

Having been interested in real estate and interior design since she was a young girl, Daneel later earned her real estate certification, and established her own short-term rental management and design company. 

Daneel’s real estate focus is to match people's goals with a portfolio that allows them to live their best lives! 

Daneel is a very warm, honest, and inviting person who can connect with any walk of life.  She has a knack for understanding people's needs, and her abundant local connections allow her to provide her clients with a one-stop-shop service!

When she's not working, you can find Daneel out and about doing yoga, dancing, surfing, sailing, biking, hiking, playing backyard volleyball, camping, and snowboarding, to name a few! Daneel loves the ocean and playing in nature with her beautiful dog/sidekick, named Sola! Daneel loves live music, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. 

When asked to describe her favorite thing about living in Maine, Daneel said:

"I love how unique Mainers are.  It takes a rugged and special person to withstand the ever-changing Maine climate, and with that rigor comes a community feel like no other.  As a Mainer, I feel incredibly privileged to have grown up in such a beautiful state; in nature's playground, surrounded by the ocean."